Exploring the Use of Smart Contracts in Governance Models for Decentralized Virtual Worlds

Exploring the Use of Smart Contracts in Governance Models for Decentralized Virtual Worlds

Decentralized virtual worlds are rapidly gaining popularity as they offer a new level of autonomy and control to users. These virtual worlds are built on blockchain technology, which allows for transparent and secure transactions, as well as the ability to create unique digital assets. However, as these virtual worlds continue to grow, there is a need for effective governance models that can ensure their long-term success. One potential solution is the use of smart contracts in governance models for decentralized virtual worlds.

What are Smart Contracts?

A smart contract is a computer program that can automatically execute the terms of a contract when certain conditions are met. They are self-executing and can be programmed to automatically transfer ownership of digital assets, such as virtual currency or virtual real estate, when certain conditions are met. Smart contracts are stored on the blockchain, which means they are tamper-proof and transparent.

The Use of Smart Contracts in Governance Models for Decentralized Virtual Worlds

Decentralized virtual worlds (DVWs) are rapidly expanding and gaining traction in the crypto-sphere, but their governance models can be a tricky nut to crack. Smart contracts, being a core component of blockchain technology, can provide a solution to improve the governance of these virtual worlds.

Weakness of current Governance Models:

The current governance models in DVWs are usually community-driven and rely on the decentralized consensus mechanism of voting. However, these models are prone to Sybil attacks, low voter turnout, and centralization issues. These weaknesses can be exploited by malicious actors and lead to poor decision-making, lack of representation and a general lack of trust in the governance system.

Strengths of Smart Contracts in Governance Models:

Smart contracts can provide a more robust and trustless way of decision making. By automating the execution of predefined rules and conditions, smart contracts can eliminate the need for human intervention and reduce the possibility of manipulation. Additionally, smart contracts can be used to resolve disputes through pre-defined and transparent processes, thereby increasing the transparency and accountability of the governance system.


While the use of smart contracts in governance models for decentralized virtual worlds holds great potential, there are also several challenges that need to be addressed. One of the biggest challenges is scalability. As decentralized virtual worlds continue to grow, the number of transactions that need to be processed will also increase. This can create a bottleneck that can slow down the virtual world and make it less responsive.

Another challenge is the lack of legal recognition for smart contracts. In many jurisdictions, smart contracts are not yet legally recognized and thus, the enforceability of smart contract-based agreements is uncertain.

Examples of Smart Contracts in Governance Models

Smart contract-based governance models have been implemented in several decentralized virtual worlds (DVWs) and have shown potential in improving the overall user experience and trust in the governance system. In this section, we will explore some of the existing examples of smart contract-based governance models in DVWs and their success and challenges.


One of the most notable examples of a smart contract-based governance model is in the decentralized virtual world of Decentraland. In Decentraland, smart contracts are used to govern the buying and selling of virtual land and to manage the rules and regulations of the virtual world.


The DAO, a Decentralized Autonomous Organization, is another example of a smart contract-based governance model that allows for decentralized decision making through a voting process.

Somnium Space

Another example is in the virtual world of Somnium Space, where the use of smart contract-based governance model allows for the fair distribution of virtual land and the ability to vote on community proposals.

Success and Challenges

These examples have shown success in providing a more efficient and fair mechanism for decision making and dispute resolution. However, these models also face some challenges such as the high cost of gas fees and the complexity of the smart contract code which can limit the participation and accessibility of some users.


Decentralized virtual worlds are rapidly gaining popularity as they offer a new level of autonomy and control to users. However, as these virtual worlds continue to grow, there is a need for effective governance models that can ensure their long-term success. Smart contracts offer a promising solution as they can be used to create decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) which can be used to govern virtual worlds.

Smart contracts enable transparent and secure voting, create decentralized marketplaces, and decentralized dispute resolution mechanisms. However, scalability and legal recognition are still some of the challenges that need to be addressed. As the technology and the use of blockchain and smart contracts continue to evolve and gain more mainstream adoption, it is important to continue researching and exploring the use of